I began writing about change eight months ago believing I had profound thoughts on change. Honestly though, I could not find the words to share with the world. I felt they needed to be thought provoking, inspiring and challenge you to think of change in a different way. I did not want to write about change the way “everyone” else does but sometimes it is okay to reiterate what others say because it just might mean you are on the right track.

Seven months ago I moved out of my parents house for the first time. It was new and exciting, frightening and freeing all at the same time. Now many people move out in college but I did not as it was more cost efficient due to the fact I went to a local school.

When I started to think about change I started to think of milestones in my life when I can pinpoint the change that occurred. When I say milestones I think of specific things like:

  • When I went on my first date with my boyfriend.
  • Changing jobs to better my career, not knowing even at that point what my “career” was.
  • My Nanie passing away
  • Moving out of my parents house for the first time
  • Buying a new car
  • Choosing to go to Therapy for the first time
  • Choosing to practice yoga
  • Signing up to participate in a spartan race
  • Choosing to put myself first

All of these, while not all LARGE milestones, are still significant milestones in my book. When I think of them they also help me pinpoint where I was at in my “journey of life”. When going on that first date with my boyfriend I had no idea that I would change my perspective, outlook, expectations and passion about relationships. Not just my relationship with him but with those around me.

My career, while I still can’t say I know 100% what I want to do, I can say that I’m in a place where there are so many different opportunities that I would never have imagined. I didn’t know starting in a Customer Support role would bring me to the position I am in today and ultimately lead me to going back to school.

I never moved out of my parents house for college. I went to a local community college and university where it was cheaper to live at home. I am very thankful that I had parents who never shoved me out of the house knowing that I would leave when the time came. This past winter I had the opportunity to move out on my own into a friends condo. Living with someone other then my family was very different and not what I was used to.  The experience however was one I’d never trade anything for and helped me be who I am today.

Change isn’t just in the big things though. As I always try and say in everything I write, it is always about the little things. I wasn’t drinking enough water so I changed my habits, I carry around a 32 oz bottle of water with me everywhere. When I started and I craved something else, or something sweet, I “forced” myself to always just drink water knowing it is what my body needed.

When I struggle with negativity I make myself say three things I am thankful for. This didn’t happen over night, it happened because I chose to change how I thought of myself, the world, and others.

Change is not something that happens overnight. Change is TRULY inevitable and something that no matter how much you resist, it will occur over and over again. Change works best when you can accept and say “I know change happens, I may not like it but I will accept it and move forward.”

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Instagram: @beyou_findyou
Email: beyoufindyou@gmail.com

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