We are asked this question over a dozen times when we are children.  As you get older it changes to, what do you want to do when you get older?  As we get even older it becomes, what do you want to do with your life?

I want to be someone who helps make a change in the world.  I want to spend my life filled with happiness and love.  I want to be an example to whatever children may surround me, whether they be my own or others.  I want to be someone that people can relate to, rely on and can trust to be an honest human being.

That just gives an explanation of who I want to be at my core.  Do I want to be successful? Yes, but I need to determine what I measure that success by.  I want to be a yoga instructor and a business coach.  I want to always be learning from what is around me.

Most of all, I want to be someone continues to embrace life in all of its chaos, imperfections and downs.  Does this mean I will be able to do this all the time?


Every single one of us will have things in life that trip us up.  Every single one of us will ask “Why am I not where I want to be?” that is OKAY!  What we must try and do is to continue to push forward.  We can embrace the negativity for a short amount of time but we need to pull up our big girl or big boy pants and keep moving forward.

You want to know why?

Life doesn’t stop, life just keeps moving forward.  If we do not make the conscious effort to move forward with it then we will always be asking the question of “Why am I not where I want to be?”

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