Life updates galore may happen in this post so it also may not be the most uplifting but you may relate.

If you follow me on Instagram personally you know that I have been crying my eyes out for ohhh since the end of August.  While it sucks because they just come whenever I have realized it’s because I am emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.

Now after saying all that you probably would do a double take while I say that I ADDED in being a BeachBody coach.  I’m an insane person and should probably have someone to talk to about the amount of stuff I pile on my plate, OH WAIT! I do! by the time you read this post I will probably be sitting in a chair in front of my therapist crying some more and having a long talk about my lifestyle right now.

This FINAL semester of school is turning out to be one of the busiest.  I have tried to adapt into a REALLY REALLY solid routine.  Go figure, final semester of school and I figure out how time management works.  I work 40 hour weeks, get up at 4am during the week to work out and 5am on the weekends to keep it semi-consistent.  I work an 8 hour day and come home and spend 3-4 hours on homework and am in bed by 9.

It sucks, honestly while the routine is great and I’ve actually been keeping my high peaks of anxiety at bay (I’m not a GREAT student, I get by and get my work done but school has always been a HUGE anxiety inducing activity).  The rest of my life goes by the wayside, now I’m trying to keep in mind that from all of this I will have a Bachelor’s Degree by the end of the year.  It has taken 6 years and two schools but it will be done!

This is why there has been much radio silence on mind end.  Tonight, on Thursday, I am having a major brain dump of inspiration and just wanting to share the real life happening right now.

I really would just love to live in yoga pants and baggie sweaters all day.  I would love to not have to work and just complete my degree.  I would love to figure out how to share BeachBody with people while not crawling out of my skin because it’s AWKWARD SAUCE!  People in sales, kudos!  My goal is to never “sell” anything except the opportunity for someone to better themselves and their life! (Could I sound anymore cheesy?)  Well this is what happens when I brain dump, it just ALL COMES OUT.

I do have actual topics that are stored away at the moment to provide you all with again when I can organize.  Actually the next one will be in two weeks! Keep your eyes peeled out!

Also, for the time being I am not sharing on the blog Instagram Handle so I do greatly apologize if you have tried to reach me on there.  I’ve had to do a lot of evaluating as to where my time and energy are spent and I’m not even sure I’m doing it right.  When do we know in life when we’ve got it “right”? I think that’s reaching for a perfection that only we can determine, so here’s to figuring it out! Talk to you guys in a few weeks!


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